> And eleven months is the gestation of a new foal
Well played there.
> I don't care because this is about accidental alicorns, not historical accuracy.
I just wanted to mention that so you could raise your resolution accordingly to the established elements and nothing else.
I have a pretty clueless question though: are you using thou and thy (among other words) just because of literary purposes (for Luna´s voice, I mean) or is it because you want to bring a religious tone from your personal perspective in this fic too? I am asking this because you have also posted this quote:
> having grown up attending a church that seemingly believed that "if the KJV was good enough for the apostle Paul, it's good enough for me"
and reading this makes me feel that you are leaning halfway there by inserting these words (I think)
> This naturally comes with the caveats that I have little experience writing for Luna in this way and that I'm not sure I have the best grasp for telling you if it is erroneous.
as far as I recall, I don´t think I have seen you writing these words for these two years in this board. One of the reasons I have found this weird was because it feels really awkward to correct someone who has had more interest in reading ancient religious texts than me and getting confused by reading these for the first time. Funnily enough, I had thought for a second last night that thou was a different way to say though and... if it weren´t because of the internet, I wouldn´t have figured it out by using my dictionary (which was printed in 1995 by the way).
Anyway, take my words with a pinch of salt.