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2073571 jpeg
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I cannot see the link but either way, I still have my suspicions that it was released in the early era like...

> It has that slight to moderate jaggy look of 2011 to 2014 (at least that's where I associate that trait the most).
and even the clip that you have released displays really static vectors like Rainbow Dash at 2:49 or Pinkie´s face at 4:03. I mean, they aren´t noticeable but staring at them for that single second, you notice that the same technique is applied in Luna´s clip as well.

> I suppose suggestion would be to follow Luna's grammar in the show if any standard could be gleaned and apply the words in a more loose whimsical way.
what about the script of Luna Eclipsed? She used her Canterlot voice in that episode but except for a few random lines in other episodes (maybe in Between Dusk and Dawn when Celestia and Luna argue among themselves?), I don´t recall her using the amplified mode that much.