> someone said that a lot of beautiful artworks are plagued with ocs that only 1 person would appreciate it
Though I have some sympathy to this inclination. From what I can tell a lot of these OCs are commission work, so I really can't critique you on the particulars of design not that I'm the most qualified anyway. I'd say that a lot of what my fellow user picked out would work well enough but I will toss in my two bits with pic related. You could do several things with this... Octopony OC creepy station that I think could work well. You could have Twilight doing her tail (if toonboom supports you keeping the base Animation while doing more than changing colors) like the Mane-iac or save that for the Mane-iac herself. It'd be cool if you could also could make the animation the color of magic and make it a type of spell too.
> how would this work?
> filly to alicorn?
How to upload multiple pictures to endchan? Or are you asking a different question?
As for a question of my own: What brings ya around here anyway? I do not mean to pry but I'm just curious because
we've had a influx of visitors recently and we are pretty off the map. Did you here of us from somewhere or did you just stumble onto this place?