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apologies for the non-pony images. I suppose though, that the topic of dream journals have come up here? Another good topic for /night/, though also terrifying in its right.

When we first saw in the show, Luna could dreamwalk, I was ecstatic. Finally I could share with the herd my dream to truly be known.
I was rebuffed. Many said it was repugnant and horrifying that she was given the capacity to violate so personal a place as to see what's literally in your head at night.
And to a certain extent, I can understand. That is, people who are very good at dream interpretation can suddenly find out what kind of person you are, what secrets you're mulling over, when they read your dream journal. But it seems, even so, only proper that the princess of the night be able to dream-walk.

I've not been able to maintain any form of dream journal since moving to this house last year, because there is no place in the bedroom for a nightstand, nor a small light. My wife might be awoken and more than that, I would have to grab pencil, journal, and slippers and stumble out to ... someplace where I could see, think, remember and write. Dreams don't live that long after you wake up.