LoE 2 png
(664.26 KB, 1920x1080)
LoE 4 png
(1.2 MB, 1920x1080)
LoE 5 png
(1.9 MB, 1920x1080)
Song 2... mp3
(2.43 MB, 0x0)
as for the 2nd instrumental, this one was meant to be an introduction to that record and much easier to handle for a clip. In fact, I believe that I linked its youtube video several times in the past.
In this song, I tend to associate with the beginning of a movie that introduces you to Equestria, Canterlot in particular.
This sounds like a copycat of the movie except that I would expose the city with a cutscene of several angles at dawn and in a much calmer manner instead of portraying it as a lively place intended for parties.
The scenery by itself should deliver a breathtaking and peaceful presentation to the spectator. Besides, the orchestra gives a sense of warmth and familiarity from the very beginning.
It could even work as a trailer for any fanmade project. I am using a few Legends of Equestria screenshots that I took in 2016 during an open session weekend and they should illustrate how the ambient by itself can lead to a welcoming impression without featuring a pony during the introduction. After that first minute (or even an extended version of this intro), the characters slowly begin to appear in the screen (opening the windows of their houses, a character walking in the middle of the streets, a train leaving the station, Celestia raising the sun...)
This one has a much bigger chance to get a clip/sequence of images although there are other effective ways to exploit it that I might be missing.
I could even post more audios of what i have envisioned about MLP in the past but these two in particular donĀ“t sound too outlandish for the tone of this franchise and I cannot get rid of these ideas.
Time will tell if I decide to do anything with these two songs in the end...