Another, older train dream. Roughly 6mo after getting married, now more than 11yr ago:
It started in our home town, but spouse & I needed to get to Anchorage; there may have been further explanation in dream.
My impression is that only she 'needed' to go but I was fine about going with her. We went by train. She expressed concern about her fears but said she would trust the engineers.
I slept between here and Seattle but I saw why the trains worried her after that. In an effort to be more direct (note added: actually it was about being more "train like") the tracks made many curlicues, and tight turns, high above Puget Sound. Missing a lot of the ride but I rememberthe frequent gates where the protective fences would switch from one side of tracks, to the other.
To prevent ppl/animals from getting through there was an _extra_ segment of fence between the tracks. It didn't look like we could fit, especially at such high speed but we always made it.
But I felt the posts ruffle my sleeves on several occasions (note: this was inside a cabin. Also, there never was any other passengers on this train) We believed we needed to change trains at  the 1st stop in AK
It was a small town but the terminal was insanity itself, crammed with bustling people all being helped by _very_ few clerks. When we finally boarded the train we thought we were supposed to be on I was able to see the rolling hills dotted with small, pre-fab houses.
There was a Norwegian couple on this train, & while I was gawking he explained the nowhere-town was named Kellion (note: Kerryn? Not sure now) I moved from the open seats to ride the rounded nose of the engine. The gates looked as implausible as ever [curr note: meaning, solid fence covering whole track. But it was understood by physics here, the train had 'permission' to pass through solid matter, but it still put up a lot of friction] but whether due to slower speed or my more forward position I barely felt their passage.
We saw a small band of horses off to one side, and a lot of lush vegetation All around but there was soon a horse in the way - a large, obese horse who didn't want to budge from the tracks. As the train slowly pushed it aside, the horse started shoving me against me with its rump. After it finally gave up and moved, we agreed it had been rude -- the shoving had been uncalled for.
I think we got to the end of the tracks and came back, for she & I found ourselves trying to find our way through the same terminal, having no better luck despite the lack of crowds. Presuming we took the wrong train we sought out a clerk but they were closed for the night. Spouse was going to walk home out of frustration but I pointed out that in rustic Alaska there would be a bed next to the desk.
Finding it, we tried to sleep but were repeatedly awakened by the snoring of the clerk nearby.
This is about the end of that dream but it was followed by the next, in the same town. I tried to find myway but this was a short train ride and I worried the whole time about the disused tracks.
The train never faltered, but it never went anywhere useful either. And back in town I was hassled by a few teenagers and eventually had to shoot one of them with a gun I took from another one to try and get my wallet back.
I woke up before I got my wallet, but teh street tought didn't seem to care about the (not-bleeding) small hole in his shoulder.