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>>/6228/ > I will be resting too as I have done a lot of yard work that sounds almost as fun as what I have been doing. The main difference of that is that yours was active and mine required sitting on a chair... yeah, take a rest. > I think the bar could be so low that, if taken as spin off material, perhaps we may find it as mildly entertaining at points. well entertaining. The drama and memes around it could be entertaining but watching it could turn into an actual chore even with the expectations set so low. I am staying in a passive mode for this one. If I see reviews or praise towards X episodes, I might give a try and check them out. In fact, the post gen 4 discussion serves for sharing these reflections about the episodes of this spin off. Perhaps I could drop a review someday but I am not seeing myself doing that beforehand. The show or the fans will have to induce me to watch it. > This sounds like me with Equestria Girls after the threat of it affecting the core show had past. well, technically I don´t have any fears about this nor about the impact to gen 4´s legacy. It doesn´t involve that at all but more like I am not seeing signs of bringing hype to upper the quality of this. EQG did that when McCarthy put her hands on the spin off movies and produced something like Rainbow Rocks (with Daniel Ingram unleashing his true spirit with the theatrical musicals in the soundtrack department). That turning point made Sunset Shimmer popular among the fanbase (also the Sirens coming back in the last special counted as fanservice) with her redemption arc, the human bodies were drawn in a more balanced manner over time and this spin off had ponified scenes (adding layers of twists and interest for the fanbase as a whole). The spin off even received its magical moments which had nothing to envy the FiM´s ones (Gloriosa´s transformation, the Dazzlings magic, Midnight Sparkle´s duel with against Sunset...) so whereas all the fans might not be fond with EQG, at least one could understand why it´s got its fans. Here, however....I don´t see the hype not even a negative publicity coming from /mlp/. Definitely we aren´t witnessing the same patterns that occurred back in 2013 and the advertisement campaign......leaves a lot to be desired (and I am being generous here) I believe that after an entire decade, one would feel worn out and take a rest before the arrival of gen 5 (supposedly next year). If this were a spin off about secondary characters set in the same universe and with the same artstyle, it would spark a certain curiosity to check it. My apathy doesn´t come because of seeing it as a threat to gen 4 (which ended as soon as DHX got dissolved) but more like what we have seen so far looks so....superfluous and disposable. Perhaps this explanation helps at conveying better my impressions. < MFW when it completely blows our minds and we have to eat our words. you know what? I would like to be proven wrong here honestly. I would like to eat up my words and relearn the lesson of not judging the book by its cover. But we are talking about Hasbro, they are placing their bets on milking (and squeezing) the mane 6 until the milk runs dry with this. Good luck if that pans out for them in the end.