> that screencap
now, that´s the pure definition of headcanon.
> The only real nuance that I add would it is also used to describe slight mindsets depending on the connotation (Political Shitposting = inflammatory bait).
if /meta/ discussion was allowed on those boards and this topic was discussed with more depth in 4chan, they would come up with that as well. They notice the /pol/baits thrown at their catalogs and those threads lead to a political that wouldn´t be induced anywhere else. People are used to seeing that ad most of the times, those threads get derailed with politics for a while but there are other anons who are absolutely fed up of seeing everything mixed up with it.
Well, it applies to the internet in general but when it comes to a chan format, yeah, it could be perfectly valid (even though people would use the short cut of /pol/posting)
> It was a guy joking that someone had achieved mid tier shitposting with somee type of odd art style videos...
well, it sounds like it could be applied for the clips/edits exposed in the edit thread.Poetry could fit there.
> Doesn't really have too much significance to me other than it is slightly haunting.
considering that I usually listened to it without taking account the lyrics (normally I focused more on the catchy aspect rather than its lyrics) but now that you mention that induces a haunting feeling...maybe it´s because of these lines right here?
> There's a woman on the outside. Looking inside, does she see me?
> No she does not really see me, Cause she sees her own reflection
> As I'm listening to the bells of the cathedral.I am thinking of your voice
those are the closest sentences that I would consider haunting for a pop song of this style.