thumbnail of LOLDolls.jpeg
thumbnail of LOLDolls.jpeg
LOLDolls jpeg
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thumbnail of fingerlings.jpeg
thumbnail of fingerlings.jpeg
fingerlings jpeg
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> Combined with the designs that exaggerate the head, chibi style to the point where you can barely see they have hooves or, indeed are quadrupedal at all 
The art style has been bugging me the more and more I look upon it. 

> This is the visual equivalent of flash fiction.
> Because of the incredibly short time for set-up and denouement you can only tell tales that are archetypal and already in your head. 
I fully agree with this here. 

> This is Rehash:The series, designed to give anime weebs a small dopamine hit while offering much the same size hit to bronies who can't find anything else to watch yet.
Is it even aimed at us though? My impression is that this just for kids with some half hearted attempt to market it to our fandom. The vague Chibi style was chosen because its cheap and attractive to kids. Their little deformed bodies and oversized heads seem like an emulation of stuff like the LOL dolls and the Fingerlings shorts.