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> Out of curosity, CB anon, what are your thoughts

I've never had a derpaccount, and while I was subscribed to their patreon for a time, giving maybe a total of $4, I've never relied on their site for any of my pony needs.
I had a 20pc account, and somewhere during season 8, the site went belly up. They gave their viewers two weeks notice, and I didn't visit it every day. It ended up I had three days to peruse my favorites list, try to save all the images I cared most about.

I miss the loss of history, while acknowledging that not everything can be fully archived all the time. But I dislike when politics and feeling interfere with the proper saving of historical data.
Having said that, we are all political beings, regardless of how we feel about that. The rampant destruction of history going on right now is the epitome of foolishness. But in twenty year will any mourn the loss of pony?
Yet few other things as whimsical as gen-4 will have had as deep an impact in where our culture, especially over a twenty-year span.