thumbnail of 1647795.jpg
thumbnail of 1647795.jpg
1647795 jpg
(1.52 MB, 2039x1378)
> that picture
top kek
> And it was because of that choice that led to me and at least one other anon I think, when I look back at the conversation who would have otherwise just briefly passed through.We have our Dolores Umbridge ! 
There is a third anon around here every now and then, that's for sure. Everything just came in discussion and word filter, we have a bridge as a mascot. Never stop believing in the bridges of our precious Dolores.

> Me neither. To be honest though, as long as somepony else is here I'll try ta be posting.
My main objective is to post the images I want to collect from Derpi. I basically post them here and keep a certain topic between them.

> Yeah, certainly get that feeling with grandparents, or anyone older for that matter. Nearly lost a older friend of the family this year to the flu. I wish you the best and if you ever need to vent anything I'm open ears
That's fucked up and it would be pretty hard to admit that somebody could die from an ordinary flu but I guess some defenses are not always as powerful as the average ones.

> Well, I have some banners done, but I want to wait till I get'em all finished before I post them whenever that will be . So have this abomination I made with a cheap digitizer that was an unwanted christmas gift a friend gave to me! It keeps on giving! granted I probably could've done a bit better if I had more free time to mess around with it, but oh well.
I can wait perfectly,just give one or two posts and I can do something about it. Free time always comes despite not seeing the light during the routine. Everything arrives.

Also,even without any post,look at the board. It's really easy to spot it now. From page 2 to the mid front. I guess one small thing can really make a difference and it certainly does.