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>>/6398/ But given the context that you are displaying with the word normie, you are using it as a way to describe elitism from your part as if you are feeling superior/unique for differentiating yourself from the bronies who are in social media (Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter) which is fine if you want to tag yourself an edgy channer who likes MLP that spends time having sexual fantasies with stories like Anon in Equestria, rape stories, having an insane love towards X characters (female ones), sounding like a retard via shitposting and consuming NSFW content in great quantities (aka,autism or degeneracy). The word horsefucker is no different from the terms like genwunners or pokephiles. The former are meant to focus on gen 1 lovers who put that 1st generation as the best, normally looking down the other gens for being inferior while the latter describes a specific audience who focuses more on the NSFW content of the community. However, at the end of the day, what are they? Those are specific terms that describe a Pokemon fan but both share one thing in common: they like Pokemon (and those who are dedicated to it, spend their time on fan sites, call it /vp/, Serebii or the Smogon Forums, it doesn´t matter) So, you, me and whoever spends their time on MLP (mostly referring to gen 4 but who knows if that will apply to gen 5) is technically a brony because that´s the universal pattern that associates the community as a whole no matter the idiosyncrasy displayed in the different fan sites related to MLP. It´s basically universal, generic and ubiquitous (even the words pegasister and cloppers have lost relevancy over time because the female fans accepted the term brony and the clopper tag lost its meaning because at some point, it was no longer controversial enough to consume NSFW content in order to call out the fetishist group). Even the channer circles that tend to use the word horsefucker, some of those users either use the word brony indifferently or don´t care about the specific term because of ignorance or because they don´t see it all that useful to use except for comedy value and/or shitposting. So, if you want your reminder to become valuable and accepted, you are going to have to make a huge effort and convince more than 4 or 5 users that use this board in order to acknowledge that both terms are not the same in the way that you intend it to be by subverting the established semantics. Good luck with your project.