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>>/6402/ > way amen > I don't know if I've really been a fan proper for most of this year. I don´t blame you. After The Last Problem had aired back in October, the 4th gen ride ended and therefore, the medium that had brought all the fans together just vanished and found its own deadline. The 4th gen became a thing of the past after that point. All of this that has occurred in 2020 is like a bonus, a transition or a break from the whole ride, hence it is called the post gen 4 era in which we rely on comics, spin off or community material in order to keep an interest for this franchise. Or it is basically because you want to spend time in these sites or circles but the main appeal, the FiM show, would no longer accompany us anymore. > Also thank you very much for the rundown, you really didn't need to. you are welcome. I mean, those reviews are shared in public in order to be discussed or induce arguments or extend more thoughts towards that content. Also, feel free to expose your thoughts about it if you want. > but I think he was in a car accident that left him in a coma. uffff sweet mother of Celestia, holy shit, that´s really messed up if that turns out to be true. Another user from here went through that as well (although with far less severe consequences. a few years ago (so perhaps, he will feel somewhat alienated by reading this). Then those changes are most likely to be permanent. A real pity honestly. Hope he gets better soon (although that accident sounds too strong to even consider any chance of any short term recovery, let alone if he even gets to make it) > I've never been good at keeping up with drama but it feels a little weird being as out of the loop as I am currently, I suppose. a lot of things and sudden shifts have happened since The Atlantic posted an article about bronies and nazism and then ,Derpibooru making a statement on Twitter about BLM. After that, the happenings didn´t cease to stop. I could attempt to write a summary about it but I would rather let any outsider judge it on their own and then, analyze it with your own perspective. In the Big Man Tyrone´s video about Marenheit 451 art pack, there is a comment (with the help of Raptorshy) that sums it up on a surface level (there are more summaries out there that do a more detailed job in this department) and if you check the Derpibooru observatory thread on /endmlp/ (there is a link to it at the top of the page), you will see that Bridgefag has explained the situation with a detailed manner (don´t expect a neutral/unbiased tone though), although the thread is more focused on archiving the key threads before Derpibooru´s staff gets to delete them. You will have to lurk quite a bit in order to find out everything. /mlp/ (4chan) has had a general dedicated to it and it has managed to bump limit 20 threads (even one of them got more than 1000 replies, as if it were a sticky thread for a new episode of Friendship is Magic!). So yeah, this whole drama has left no one indifferent and even >>/6396/,who is not all that familiar with the fanbase, has noticed that certain people are truly insane. Not your average degenerate/autist who makes cringy things for a brony cringe compilation but insanity combined with authoritarianism, woke culture and questionable decisions (including doxing). You will find out what I am talking about eventually. > thanks, I'll check it out > I´ll keep catching up and lurking. alright, take your time. No problem about that.