> Seems a balanced approach, no?
> I have absolutely no way to carry it except in my hooves or *some* pockets will allow the 1440x1440 glass + physical keyboard.
Don´t think that it would be much comfortable get used to a 4,5" screen to a 6,2" one. So, I feel you in this regard about smaller/lighter is better or at least, raising that question onto the table.
Anyway, it looks quite balanced for what it is. A little bit weird because your arm can´t sustain the huge width in the extremes with your arm but it fits for the most part. I would be somewhat to hesitant to wear a phone like that though.
> It's still running android but once (if) a build of /e/ is made I'll wipe it and put something that doesn't re-install chrome every twenty minutes
how does the app manage to re-install itself though?