> /endpone/ probably fails that purity test than. Though I do find "muh brony pride" absolute cringe and prefer to simply say "the fandom" over horsefucker, brony, ponyfag, whatever have you. The term is a hard one to fully escape even in the most pure circles you'll find stuff with it used.
I understand where your sentiment comes from, but having been part of many online communities since before I was a teen, I can tell you that your experience of people who don't fit into the community hivemind quickly overran it and before long became the majority - which is how I'm even on imageboards instead of classic forums now. Having said that, if someone is from that era and is disillusioned with the casuals, they'll be disappointed to find that not only is the communities they're part of more casual than them, those who were more hardcore have loosened up and become more casual. It's oddly rare in some ways to find people who accuse anybody with any kind of life at all of being a casual, and I think from personal experience of not even slightly trying to have any RL success at all I can say that the eventual realization is that there is no core cadre of people just as determined to be an obsessed loser as you are - that is, you realize pretty much for the first time that you're actually an individual, and that feeling of the delusion of many other basement dwellers backing you up and being behind you all the way crumbling as you realize it's just you and nobody else - well, it's not a good feeling but I think everyone could use realizing something like that. It's incredible how much our minds rely on groupthink, and a beyond weird feeling to have groupthink truly broken for the first time. I too searched for years for a pure community, but ultimately I think I'm happy having finally realized that a community is actually different people interacting and not a hivemind like the nintendo forums of my childhood seemed to be.
> Want me to dump my folder?
Sure - more images never hurt.