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So, if one takes a look at its episode list, the season started in a pretty weird way with the topic of racism and diplomacy with School Raze. Then, Maud got a boyfriend (RIP her waifufags) and for the following episode Fluttershy started roleplaying as different personas while doing her job in the shop. This is a personal take but I still don´t have a clue how to review Fake It Until You Make It, I skipped the review/commentary because my views on it are still unclear.
Nonetheless, I do remember saying in this board that this season got 4 nice episodes in a row after that before it ended with Non Compete Clause: Grannies Gone Wild (a Golden Girls parody), Surf and Or Turf, Horse Play and finally the episode in question:
The Parent Map
Which I have decided to revisit again.Without seeing my old posts, I recall reading that Bridgefag was more passionate towards this episode than me at the time. I liked it but I wasn´t all that crazy about it. I replied to his review but I kind of put the autopilot mode, I was more focused on reviewing other episodes like Horse Play or Surf and Or Turf.
Why have I decided to mention all of this narrative beforehand? Because like the student 6, the two main protagonists: Star Light and Sunburst, while they weren´t introduced in season 8 like the students, they aren´t the mane 6 either. Star Light appeared in season 5 as a villain, both in the premiere and the finale, and Sunburst only got a short flashback when he was a colt in the Cutie Remark, even you could say that he is actually a season 6 character and you wouldn´t make any mistake. These two characters were both relatively new but old in comparison to the students, at least the audience was familiar with them. Same can be applied to the magical map of harmony, simultaneously new but old in comparison to the unexpected school.
And these two got an entire episode without any of the controversies that the students received yet they replaced the mane 6 over here. If it weren´t because Twilight and Spike got three or four lines of dialogue, you don´t see any old character here. Very subtle detail but it´s worth pointing this out.