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> I encourage the practice of trying to come up with your own judgement/thoughts first without getting any outsider influence
I understand the sentiment, but I can't in general watch the show.
Cringey? I guess? I met a guy who wanted to like the show, certainly he liked the fandom's works, but when he tried to watch the show the voices literally sounded like ice picks in his ears and left him wanting to scream at the noises, unable to discern any meaning from their babble of pain.
I'm not in that crowd. I can hear individual lines without discomfort.
But to take the show seriously, I need to have a level of disbelief set aside, and if I do that, I find myself wanting to, in that world, run into a closet and cover my head with a pillow waiting for them all to Stop. Just Stop.
One of the most profound moments of this effect, and I don't know the episode name but Vinyl had a dancefloor upstairs where Binky was enjoying the sensations provided therein.
In the scene where RD interviews potential temps arranged, apparently, from most-to-least angular, she exposes how little she knows about the profession for which she is interviewing applicants. I can't finish that scene. I never have.
But by watching Silverquill, as an example, I find the reasoned discourse gives me opportunity to disagree, thus I learn both what the episode offers the lore of the show, and what I would have liked or disliked had I seen the episode.
Speaking of reasoned discourse, do you really hate Glim-Glam? Because you never once say her name, and I was honestly confused on several occasions in your review because I was pretty sure you were talking about a certain purple unicorn, but you kept using a different name and I thought maybe that's her mother's name? But no, you were just talking about Seafood Dinner and while once it would be cute, the fact you _never_ say her name makes me wonder if you and bridgefag are having a spat or something.