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>>/6463/ > I can't in general watch the show. eeeeeeeeerrm....what? how? > I'm not in that crowd. I can hear individual lines without discomfort. I don´t know why one would be uncomfortable by listening to the voices. I mean, I have heard about people avoiding the songs at first and then, giving them a try over time (this has partially happened to me). I did have a little bit of trouble with the show as well, I had to reduce the brightness in my mobile phone while I was watching it because it was too colourful for me to handle it (delivering the impression that it looks way too rainbow colored and thus,I had to look aside and avoid any way to stare at it for too long). After a few episodes, I got used to it so it´s not like I have had my problems with FiM in the past... The Parent Map for example, does have quite good voices and I wouldn´t say that it sounds cringy at all in any of the involved characters. Awkward and a little bit childish when Pinkie Pie screams and gets too excited at times? Perhaps the corny tone of Rarity? Well, that´s understandable but let me tell you that you get used to it (although Andrea Libman is capable to sound deep with other background characters, just that she is known for voicing Pinkie and Fluttershy). I don´t know, tell me what concerns you in this regard if you can point out what turns you off so much and in which episode(s)/moments. > But to take the show seriously, I need to have a level of disbelief set aside, and if I do that, I find myself wanting to, in that world, run into a closet and cover my head with a pillow waiting for them all to Stop. Just Stop. well...if you only knew about my method of diving into Friendship is Magic back in 2014... Let´s sum it up that I was too bored during that summer and I decided to watch the entire 4 seasons in a row as a challenge for myself (as if I had lost a bet with a friend but there was no bet) and thus, I watched it ironically at first. The challenge was consisted in suffering and going through all the rainbows without turning into an homo nor getting AIDS....yeah, imagine the amount of disbelief that I had to put aside just to complete the challenge from Mare in the Moon to Twilight´s Kingdom (91 episodes of 22 minutes!). I was bingewatching the thing until it grew little by little, reaching the climax with Sisterhooves Social, where I felt actual unironic things instead of ironic for the first time. From there onwards, I started to take the show in a more legitimate manner and season 4 just reaffirmed those convictions about taking it as a more serious show. Sure, the amount of disbelief is huge in this franchise. Not only that, but one believes that one would never clop and then you enter there eventually, then you say that you will never review but you end up doing it.....and I am still the same person. The same idiot as I was before watching the show but with 6 years more on my back, a little bit older and more tired...but still the same for the most part. Nobody has noticed any radical change in attitude nor anything, I simply keep it to myself and I don´t share it beyond the internet circles. There is a moment in which your brain adapts a mindset that manages to handle it naturally. By the way,after watching the whole show, I regret nothing.