> I don't know the episode name but Vinyl had a dancefloor upstairs where Binky was enjoying the sensations provided therein.
> In the scene where RD interviews potential temps arranged, apparently, from most-to-least angular, she exposes how little she knows about the profession for which she is interviewing applicants. I can't finish that scene. I never have.
you mean, The Saddle Row Review? That episode is awesome! I think that the entire fanbase agreed that it was one of the best episodes of season 6.
Are you referring to this scene in particular?
> I find the reasoned discourse gives me opportunity to disagree, thus I learn both what the episode offers the lore of the show, and what I would have liked or disliked had I seen the episode.
well, you have the freedom to do whatever you want after all. Like Bridgefag has said here, >>/6464/, the previous BO didn´t go all that deep with the show either beyond the first try.
However, I will say that MLP is not all that much about what could stand out because like 90% of the plots in this series are very predictable and your method extracts all the meat that you can take from it, you will realize that most minutes are filler for any other series. But MLP is not Game of Thrones, it´s about the interactions and the experience while watching it. You know how it´s going to end but the charm consists in its slice of life spirit, about the details, the antics and messages. Sure, Silver Quill and the reviews that you read will deliver everything that you can extract but...I am one of those who encourages more the personal judgement without getting influenced by others beforehand. You simply press play and dive into the matter on your own.
Oh well, if you like that route, go ahead. At least, you follow what we are talking about in this thread. You still have https://xxnightmaremoonxx.de/vweb/ the mediums for it whenever you feel like venturing in it.