>do you really hate Glim-Glam? Because you never once say her name
erm....dude, Star Light is Dolores without the word filter. How can I not mention her within an episode in which she is one of the main protagonists? I have mentioned her like 10 times or so in the review.
And no, I don´t hate her. In fact, I hold her as one of my favorite characters in the series. I like her before and after the redemption (especially after taking off with a few episodes in her track record). The closest moment/episode in which I get to question her is in the Cutie Remark (Season 5 finale): her transition of her redemption. You notice that she acts as a villain and goes way overblown at trying to accomplish her plans but there is an attitude coming from her in which she acts differently from her debut (The Cutie Map) yet it feels off to have her redeemed within that episode. Her change of mane really helped at distinguishing her past with her change but still, it would take a little bit of time to warm up with her and she displays quite a few insecurities within the ways of acting in front of others until she meets Trixie and starts her own path.
A much better finale for her (IMO) is To Where and Back Again, where she shines with her interactions with Trixie, Discord and Thorax, mixing a good amount of humor while delivering her own earned attitude after being Twilight´s student during season 6.
I mentioned it here >>/6455/ in the 2nd paragraph.
that´s my biggest concern towards her: her sudden transition in that finale. It didn´t help that she went through that route after the fanbase saw Sunset Shimmer´s redemption. It cost even more to embrace Dolores´s redemption because the process didn´t turn out to be that convincing. Only the following episodes would manage to save those doubts and concerns towards her. The Parent Map is one of those.
I will admit that /endpone/ has had an effect for increasing that appreciation towards Dolores a little bit more than I expected.
> the fact you _never_ say her name makes me wonder if you and bridgefag are having a spat or something.
actually, the closest spat that I have had with Bridgefag was in 2018. Well, two moments in fact: the discussion about the 2nd amendment and September 2018, the latter turned out to be a month full of political topics that worn us out and we decided to call it quit after that month. We ended up really saturated and thus, we agreed to focus on other topics/projects instead just to balance that overexposure or monotonic month in that matter.
It´s just that Derpi´s drama and other matters have been arising, therefore, /endpone/ has recently gone through a lower amount of activity. I wrote this review just to enliven the board with pony content in order to counterbalance that absence. I felt like going back to The Parent Map anyway. I was hungry in terms of watching an episode so, even if I didn´t remember that episode all that fondly, it had enough spark in me in order to go back to it and giving a fair try this time around. I have enjoyed doing this move after all.