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>>/6479/ I had to say this, I couldn´t avoid it. Anyway, jokes aside: > Not the words, the situations, he couldn't hear it because the voicecast hurt too much to hear through the pain. damn, what episodes did he watch when he said this? Just curious, I could check out the audio quality or something if you remember what he watched. I have had no complaints about the audio in The Parent Map, like at all. In fact, I rarely bring up the audio quality to the matter. Unless the voices sound badly recorded (low quality) or have serious flaws in a specific line or something, I don´t usually bring it up (maybe Pinkie sounding really high pitched by screaming too much but that´s more about her attitude). I would expect that complaint from gen 3.5 or even choppy moments like Bridgefag reported in A-Dressing Memories: >>/5798/ > is it just me or did the animation seem slightly choppy and jaggy at points? I thought it was just me but I saw a couple of other's say this too. Otherwise, I don´t understand his specific case. > Why did they change the title at the last minute? did this episode have a different title before airing on TV? It´s the first time that I see this reported. What was it? >>/6473/ > If I wanted to see a bunch of bumbling bufoons screw up for lack of information and overinflated ego, I'd set up a webcam and re-watch my own antics, or any of my coworkers. erm, it doesn´t exactly work like that though. > I can't' stand stupidity and "slice of life" is only vaguely interesting because the stupidity is slightly different from what you would have done if you were the same pony. Well, that´s like...your opinion, man. > FiM is a furry cartoon in a high-magic world if /mlp/ users saw would get a few (You)´s because of this phrase alone. Posting Celaeno now that you have mentioned the furry word. > To wrap my head around the unirverse, the laws of magic, the question of hooves ... all of that fascinate me. so your preferences gravitate around the lore in huge amount of quantities. That´s a quite respectable take. > I am positively offended that you imply I am mis-watching the show for coming to the conclusion that magic is so prevelant that earth ponies are unaware they have limited-range-levitation available to them. in which post did I mention that? I mean, I commit mistakes but I realize that Earth Ponies do have magic, otherwise Tirek wouldn´t suck their energies in Twilight´s Kingdom among other reasons. Just that it is usually translated with strength but I wouldn´t deny any exploration towards any special features related to them in terms of magic.