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> Also,a double pneumonia is really weird unless you had a permanent one in the first place and you are in a very old age.

I guess part of it could be the not the best  though not as bad universally as some make it out ta be, but still needs a lot of work  heath system and country's health in general. Not all hospitalizations have been exactly that, but I've known 3 people who got the flu who ended up in the hospital with  pneumonia in both lungs and with verious other secondary problems. PLus heard of a few cases in the news media. Its not something I remember before even with the much hyped swin flu we had a few years ago. It's just crazy to me. Maybe it's something that's rare and I'm just happen to be extra unlucky to see/ have  people in my who I'm at least vaugely connected with be like this. 

> Also,news leave a lot to be desired, that won't change.

 I'll say. I once destoryed both my concervative and liberal leaning friends by just looking beyound the surface level political shrilling they both consume. They both didn't know what to do with facts that either conflicted with both their narratives. or times when their own media supported the exact thing they were shilling against in the past. Not going to say anyhing futher do to being tierd of politics and not wanting to draw blind partisans here. 

Also, I see you turned  >>/631/ into a banner. Glad it could be of use! Though I was just starting a toy with what will hopefully be a better version of that idea  which I will still do  it almost has an old internet ms paint meme quality to it, doesn't it?. Kind of reminds me of some of /sp/'s banners as well.