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>>/6485/ > And the amazing thing is that these hiveminds still pop up every so often, mostly unnoticed. I stumbled across an imageboard in 2018 that was stunningly active, with esoteric injokes and all, mostly from an exodus from another imageboard. 4chan itself was an exodus from SA and some migration from World2ch, so I imagine without Jake Brahms and /b/day it too would've faded into obscurity just like that 2018 imageboard I mentioned now has. It used to have at least 30 users on at any given time, now there's just one at any given time - that is, just me, when I'm looking at it. huh, what a curious case for settling a comparison related to the roots of 4chan. I meant with that phrase that the same fate could happen to this board at any single moment. So I assume at certain days/nights that it could be the last before the moment of hype or period of activity ends. Basically, a carpe diem mindset because what you have described can happen to any board really, especially on the altchans. > These things still exist, these moments are still special, but most of the time you'll never find them - and in some ways I suppose that's a good thing. Just like the heat death of the universe, as the internet expands these tight knit communities become harder to find. harder but not impossible. Also, just because the internet has become more accesible in general and social media have taken the spotlight, that doesn´t meant certain users grow tired of the mainstream sites and ends up in an alternative one.Just that should value what one has until it disappears. > Well, my point is mainly that if you are that person who takes it too seriously, realize you're in a minority in many respects, and to accept people who are not like you and not as dedicated as you because otherwise you will have no community. you mean, being an otaku, right? Well, you can be the minority yet perfectly apply that mindset to other people who are more casual. Just that there is a sense of elitism for knowing more than the rest, reaching an identity that others cannot get,as if there is some invisible barrier that others won´t be capable to arrive in the first place. A mix of both hardcore knowledge while also presented in a more easy going manner can work, adding some extra information that other people wouldn´t bring up on the table. For MLP, even casuals could follow these steps. Basically what one demands here is: watch an episode, take your time at analyzing it and share your own thoughts. Then, a few topics arise because of the reviews aimed at that content and then, move onto something else. Just by following that standard method, it´s more than enough. More like being a hardcore fan, I tend to be more interested in how a person debates and exposes his viewpoint on that episode in specific. Then, other points could be brought up that are linked to it but just with the individual approach for each episode, it should work for everyone really. > I doubt many recall Mewch anymore I haven´t personally heard about it. It doesn´t even appear here