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> Opps. I just got that from my folder. I have a lot of random images saved from who knows where.
Definitely not from Derpibooru, I searched the number and tags related to it and I haven't found it there.
> Yeah. Though I wasn't really thinking of just blind shitposts as much as being a more causal and /confy/ place. Like how you were talking about it being a private room. I suppose that could still evolve into that I will try to post and meme responsibly.
Don't worry, the comfyness is brought from one self. If someone else tries to be stupid,well too bad,because it will increase the post count and manage to attract others(not in a good way,but still).
However, who would troll in a place like this when you have better sites to do it? I guess we all have seen the trolling and clickbait techniques and know them too much to repeat them here in the exact same way.