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>>/6525/ > In the case of some implementations of Chrysalis, she's more monster than pony. Even in the show she's an insect of sorts, so there's no point in the continuum that she's relatable after the fashion of a pet or as to livestock. ewwww Chrysalis. You are playing with fire in this case because we are dealing with a very fine line in which both views (according to your definitions of furry and monster) could be reasonable.With this sentence alone, I would have it pretty difficult so let´s continue with the line that you expose here: > Ponies, et al, aren't viewed by the fans as "means to an end" but as friends you'd wish to meet -- but still with that air of 'other' that separates ponies from humans -- this is the basis of furry I'm getting at, but what about when that friend's neighbor is unrelatably evil? Despite the fact you could talk to them, their main characteristic is how much fear they create. The setting of such tales usually focuses on 'dehumanizing' the villain and I think if you don't want to talk to them, they aren't able to fall into the 'furry' trap unless they're a furrified, ponified form of a known villain so basically, you are drawing the line on the fact that the "furry" character should be likeable and a lack of any hostility coming from them. Therefore, villains according to you are discarded in this definition despite fitting the physical standards (therefore, villains like Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek...are not furry despite the first two cases sharing the pony body) With this post, you are explicitly claiming that the path of redemption is what turns that monster into furry territory. In this case, the redeemed lings fall in the latter and the fashion of a pet would fit more for Ocellus instead of treating the changeling queen with that mindset. So, clearing up easy things say that Chrysalis is more of an insect (which I am not going to deny that nature coming from her. She actually creates the cocoons with slime in order to capture and lock her prey, not to mention that she transforms herself in order to carry out her plans. What makes your point certainly divisive is that Chrysalis has also proven to act perfectly like a pony so one wouldn´t know what to consider about seeing her as a full monster because she can also keep her manners even when she isn´t transformed. So let me raise certain doubts here because of the interactions that appeared in the Frenemies and The Summer Setback (even if the evil plan pans out in the finale). Although her fans worship her more because of her furry side (the relatable/attractive part of seeing her as a waifu) than her monster side, so you have a point in this department. > Fluffle Puff's Chrysalis is another edge case that I think brings her out of 'insect monster' into 'furry character' realm. She's strange but completely relatable once you get past the 'eats love not pizza' thing. just what I said previously. You have mentioned a pretty questionable case according to your own established definitions. The show doesn´t reach that relatable part but one cannot deny the enjoyment of receiving an episode dedicated to the villains in its entirety.