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thumbnail of WarOnYourPhones.pdf
WarOnYourP... pdf
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thumbnail of AnotherPaperSizedWar.pdf
AnotherPap... pdf
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thumbnail of LegalConquestOfYellow.pdf
LegalConqu... pdf
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As mentioned in the other thread, this was my first FiM fanfic. Written in 2011, it's mostly call-outs to other IPs, mostly not pony but "colt-crudder" is what RD called Rainbow Blitz in cross & arrow. "Eew doesnt that hurt?" and "eeyup" and another quote are inspired by the show but seen here in a new light.

Fedaykin are from Dune, Sergal are from TrancyMick, the title of King-under-the-Mountain from the Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, if I'm not misremembering.
To an extent this could be a game of find-the-shoutouts It's not very good writing, with an obvious self-insert OC, but my NaNoWriMo effort a few months later, also in 2011, achieved the success of 50K if not a complete story, and was in this alternate universe.

I've exported it twice, so if you're on a phone for some reason, you can read it there without quite so much pain; or in A4 because why not. US-Legal if you don't like changing pages all that much.
They're color coded insomuch as the three times I changed paper I also changed colors. So read the one that hurts the least, I suppose.