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> but rather because as I brought this over from its storage place and realized how bad just simple spelling and grammar was (I think I was up past 2AM for days writing this in my spare time
This has some but I've managed to enjoy far worse. Hell, one of the best Sweetie Bot fics had horrible spelling from a non native english speaker. Speaking of pose.
> She was so calm though. Then she had no soonerfallen asleep than she jumped up and started scream-ing about monsters and seeing Applejack’s granny ...Well, you know your majesty, about the incursion fromthat army. We’re all glad my sister is alive but why. Imean." Sweat was making Rarity feel very warm.Twilight was also present but politely waiting forSweetie Belle who was strangely silent after all the fussearlier in the evening. Now she felt the need to step upto explain to her teacher. "She sounded for a time likethe old Sweetie Belle. Scared beyond her wits’ end butSweetie Belle.
It has a slight manandering way to its pose. Not the worst I've seen but it has that 2012 mid tier feel. Do you have any fics that are newer that I could see to compare?
> What I mean with this is that, if you review an episode, a comic, a fanfic, etc; you´ve got to imply beforehand that other users MIGHT NOT do that as an answer.
Huh? Are you saying the board is so small that you might not reply so it ends up being long? I don't follow.