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>>/6583/ if pointing at flaws were by itself a weapon, you would run out of ammunition pretty soon over here. Trust me. >>/6582/ > The posting on this board is rather healthy for a site of this size. Usually when I find boards with a less than 10000 post count their just mostly dead or anons who bump into each other sometimes. I mean, one could perfectly shitpost and have some good fun for a while. But what happens when playtime is over? You have tell something, otherwise what do we do here? So, in this case, you can afford certain styles of posting that in other chans you wouldn´t do because of the fast rate. Sure, you cannot troll nor spam for reaching as many victims as you would on 4chan because the traffic is so low that you are basically baiting with the same victims. At some point, you are like: "okay, is there anything else that you have to say? Because it´s getting boring at this point" Then, this board admitted and agreed that imitating /mlp/ could be done at any moment. Right now, I could set up like 3 or 4 meme threads in very few minutes and copypaste the same style that you would find on /mlp/. However, for that practice, I already have /mlp/ with much more traffic and thus, what do I gain by doing this over here? Where is the benefit? > This is one of the healthiest small boards I've ever seen. Their is long hardy discusion on a varity of subjects and shitposting is below 20% of total posts when it should be 90%. thanks for the compliment although this can be easily ruined at any moment. In fact, it wasn´t meant to happen and nobody knew at the time how things would pan out. So, enjoy it while it lasts because there is nothing here that guarantees you what could happen tomorrow despite being more settled than it did in previous years. If there is something that has defined this board is that any user that deals with a board of such a small size, is that one should certainly imply that everything could end tomorrow. So if you´ve got something to express and add even further than the average post you would come up with, you´ve got an unexpectedly suitable environment for doing so.