fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[pone] - Endchan Magrathea
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thumbnail of 2677009__safe_artist-colon-poole_princess+luna_alicorn_pony_clothes_female_flying_mare_shoes_simple+background_solo_spread+wings_transparent+background_wings.png
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> Going on the author's FA page and finding they both have the same family name wasn't enough?
well, keep in mind that not everything I say is complete,much less if it´s correct. But yeah, I left out the context behind the scenes of this story and only tried to raise those suspicions by just using the content itself. 

But if one has to remind and bring that up, I am all for it.

> the author admits that his loyal fans will recognize the overall design of the canine-derived law officer. It was no less than an established OC that was introduced.
huh, very interesting because you can notice that the design looks certainly off,not in the wrong sense, but more like one would notice that she would indeed come from Earth. 

> I'd read discussions that Equestria probably was in a universe that was at, or past its heat-death; the pilot double-ep showed us *that* the sun was artificial,
wow that approach took things way too far.  I mean, sure the concept was left unclear at the time but considering that alternate universe in which humans exist by going through a magical portal (EQG), you can perfectly deny that theory because the sun still holds the same long lifetime before said star stops shining.

oh my goodness,get ready for your pills, folks. We are about to get lightheaded here!