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>>/6645/ > Sometimes done pretty well. I always had the ambition but I tell you: if not for /endpone/ I would have still be just a timid lurker all the way to the final. well, glad to hear that.The amount of freedom over here is overwhelming and sometimes one doesn´t know what to do . I was going to reserve this comment for Christmas but if it weren´t because of this board, perhaps the one person who is using a trip for opening certain threads might not have been the same one either. In fact, it would be quite funny if someone saw me as a leader or a main user for something (content creator or whatever) because /endpone/ is first a side project that was active because of lurkers and no one knew what was going to happen. I´ve got to admit this, handling the board with just two or three people on your own, is a huge difference. Like, you cannot compare what one usually does, for example on /mlp/, that what one does over here. I could go for the shitposting route sure, but I am always shitposting to the same users after all. So, you raise this question of: okay, what do I do know? How do I approach this in order to go somewhere else beyond the average content? There was literally no script, it was all awkward from there and it´s very easy to stay as a lurker on a popular board but when one has to improvise and come up with other ideas or just entertain not to reader but other invisible people who might be watching, trust me, the mindset changes completely. Timidity cannot be applied when one has to show up your actual face to the rest in order to keep going. I am still an introvert as well but some of my most meaningful/thoughtful posts have been delivered over here.Mostly because i is the user who has to entertain the others, not the lurker when there are so few people around. But yeah, this board has had to cause an influence, just that I am not sure to what degree. I can point out though that lurkers are what make this board active. The fan that you know who had been lurking from late 2014-to late 2017 is not the same one who you are interacting with right now. > it's felt fun to be looking forward to something else and the anniversary has felt nice reminder to just relax and celebrate. you bet. When one has to keep track of the same topic over and over by consuming our time for so long and with so much focus in order to keep track of what was going on, it becomes even more tiring. So much drama happened over there that one forgets for a while what purpose this fanbase was made for. It has also made politics boring to me as well. The opinions displayed over there were varied and after seeing everything. I hardly believe that barely anything will surprise me at this point. > This gives me an idea... uh oh, challenger approaching....