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>>/666/ (2/2) But the genuine people who sparked an interest by information and not looking for an image,just looking about what is the charm behind it are the actual fandom created. This fandom was supposed to be small but fighting against the stereotype,the pretentious importance of a "life changing show", all the explosions and drama drove this into some genuine fans who didn't know that they would be fans of but they stayed over the years.Everything here is artificial to the point where the initial image was a manmade product that would become true in a very different way.Seaponies?A fucking meme taken from the constant shoo be doo in the comments. Bat ponies? Your typical shitposting pony race on /mlp/ that has gone too far; just a version that found luck on the show. Equestria Girls? The desire of humanised versions of ponies and Mattel. Post season 3 and alicornification? All from the fanbase. The show was never supposed to pass the 65 episode mark,yet it's getting close to 200 episodes. This is why the "post season 3 is not canon" is true...for the wrong reasons. It was never meant to exist yet,it's canon for the show events because their lives go on.The movie? A reward for lasting. AJ's parents,Starswirl,Derpy, the Trixie comeback and some post season 4 stuff? All because of the illusions,overhyped things and dreams that Hasbro saw as money. All of this because the people behind it.....are depressed.They have these ideas and illusions because of how sad their lives are. A chan youtuber could have reached the edge if it wasn't because of his waifu. This type of consumism has gone into something that has marked them. I don't find those happy people from the Brony conventions over the fandom I see everyday. I see a bunch of depressed people who have pending accounts with the show,they feel as if they needed to contribute as an exchange for finding a reason to live. These sad people are covered in the face of autism and a few of them wouldn't be living if MLP wasn't here. The cover prevents them to show how sad this fandom is. I see the brony fanbase as a ttsundee character: rough and from the outside,sad on the inside. The memes applied,the stories behind the innocent content of pastel ponies have some dark meaning that this franchise didn't deserve,yet,the feedback and constant desire to keep going forward fulfills both the company and the fandom... I believe that the fandom and Hasbro have a certain harmony that admitting it might damage it. We fear what could happen and that's fine because they love ponies in the end. I guess this experiment was actually welcome and enjoyable for our meaningless existence on earth...