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>>/656/ > Talking about how it feels to be in the /end/. The darkest place where no one comes. > Not going to mention any cases but it seems that Friendship is Magic (and EQG to an extent) has covered and saved certain people from suicide. > Everything has changed. 8 years later,we are here with a different mindset,all our desires have come true and have oversaturated us. Lots of deep, sincere thoughts here. Man I have a lot that I could say but It would take me awhile to get my thoughts togather. Depends on how busy I am but I'll hopefully have something more articulated in 2 or 3 days time. Things still crazy from Granddad's stuff > This phenomenon could not have happened without the internet and the chan culture which surrounds it. Neither the creator had expected more than 3 years of this stuff. > Almost 8 years later,it's not dead. In fact,since 2016, the fandom has been through the pace of bigger established fandoms(PKMN,Star Wars/Trek to some extent and all the new born trends:SU,FNAF,Undertale...),surviving what could have been gone in the blink of an eye. You bet on that one. One of the things both funny and strange to me is that even in this state, there is stuff that was still memed harder then us and yet never had near the output. Even in the state right now that are things that are still heavily memed but never reached are levels of output that we have in this day ad age. One way I suppose I could say is that the other fandoms are competeing for different groups of people while we have become are own true subculture. As I stated before. We exist outside of social media. Side note: one of the only other fandoms I considered close to us in are levels of self-sufficiency and content creation being touhou. Which also is its owm subculture. Though they are smaller and more fragmented, they too have a pleathora of hangouts heck, mainly exist outside of social media and also are heavily part of chan culture. Though I do not consider them as segmented as us. > The love and tolerance came from Tumblrinas who wanted their diversity show (which explains why Steven Universe is a fandom created from "exbronies").They wanted an identity to feel cool and look hip to everyone in social media. I mostly agree with this. Notice that most of the people who are still only focused on pony on tumblr or social media in general are at least lightly in chan's orbit? At the vary least those who are still active will have a account on one of the fansites that at least lightly chan influenced. Not all people who are involved now are creatures of the chans but most who are eve a bit seriously involved wiith this fandom have to at least have some of the same sensibilities (or at least tolerate ) chan style memes and ideas. > I cannot speak for anyone but myself and I have to clarify that a fan from 2014 cannot understand how the "golden days" were in reality. I haven't lived them nor experienced a single convention. > NO LOUD OR PROUD FAN actually really cared about it. Those who appeared in the news and the documentaries about bronies are not the fandom I know from these days. > Well guess what. I simply say that the golden era is a lie. You know what, I'm had a rambling wall of text and I do't want to derail this thread. I actually mostly agree with you (I think, lots of stuff to think about though) so let me say this: I do agree that a lot of people at the time saw it as a joke, or were trend riders who didn't actually care of the show, though I don't quite take as far as you. There was some I remember myself included who used to watch each ep with actually care, as in not as a joke even back then, woundering what various one off lines and implicatios could mean though Celestia certainly wasn't a Tyrant, there was some subtexts and implications that could be made from those early eps that were not too far a stretch into just stupid theory nonsense Perhaps I was part of a minority at that time (actually I certainly was). I honestly was't too involved in the activities in /b/ or /co/,