> Almost feels like the Seaponies had just the right things going on to "fail". Though that is too strong of a word.
> More like decaffeinated. They are not failures but they is a lack of enthusiasm for all the reasons you stated. Mediocre doesn't fit for they still are well designed and that is reflected in the fact that they get an above reasonable amount of fan art but little in the way of focus from the fanbase.
exactly. If you look at the concept art and the ideas they had in mind with them, you will notice that they took their time to reintroduce them with these two locations. You can come up with lots of adjectives to describe them but I seriously doubt that a fan would say that they look generic or uninspired. So far, I haven´t encountered any comment that mentions them like that but praise towards their designs.
In fact, pic related has been featured today on EQD (by the way, I will digress that Novo certainly shares that aura that you would get from Celestia. Not pretty often though because she is sassy and doesn´t display a happy face for the most part (more like a careless one), but you would ask yourself if she is a close relative or the sun princess) and all I see is praise. So, the effort behind their creation was made and if they have earned that niche so late in the game, it means that the team did something right.
Just that the circumstances didn´t help and Hasbro didn´t do much afterwards. So, I would say that their state kind of falls in a halfway point. They have delivered the most complicated part of reintroducing them (the process of normalization) but they have failed to connect them with any official material that would be stuck with the minds of the fans. I mentioned earlier that Rainbow Rocks would do the job for giving EQG a new opportunity to a spin off that was lackluster or pointless before its release, so something like that sequel is what one would need in order to earn a very serious impact within the community.