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>>/6676/ > It was the first video to reach 100 million views that was "MLP" related. I think that isn't an unreasonable theory to have. Though I argue a lot of that is from outside the core Friendship is Magic fandom (though the lines between target demo and brony become blurred for ones who grew into it). That probably enhances your point, tweens = dollar signs to hasbro. why do you think that I have dwelt so much on the economic perspective? It doesn´t sound unreasonable because if you take into account the purpose of the original seaponies in this post >>/6661/, one shouldn´t be surprised how much Hasbro is guided by the big rivers of money. As long as the Uncle Sam bills come at them, they won´t care all that much where that money comes from. Sure, they could make a few studies in order to optimize their strategies but I highly doubt that they care about keeping in mind any specific audience other than the kids. This species was literally the embodiment of bringing those billets. So each time that you would see them, in theory, they correspond with money. However, that trend was broken in this gen after the movie because no toys were made related to them for the last two seasons. Each appearance, beyond the movie itself, wouldn´t imply money taken directly from them. As a consequence, they would receive the same treatment as any other species when it comes to the toys, diminishing more their toy commercial plans and aiming more at earning a fictional purpose within the universe. > Wait what? Are you telling me that it was: Partially you could associate Seaquestria with the prison built in Mata Nui. Just that the MLP "prison" would show a much nicer design to look at instead of displaying a landscape full of wreckage. The Pit has no population though while Seaquestria does. The village is still there and while the access was more limited at first, you would still get the friendly environment. Just that they haven´t actually shown that prison beneath the desert. >>/6665/ Although seeing the prison itself, it manages to reach the surface for some reason (I wonder if they would have imprisoned someone from Kluge Town without visiting Mt. Aris). The prison, as far I as I know, doesn´t seem to have any concept art beyond that image (I am implying here, correct me if I am wrong) I would see more fitting to correlate The Pit with the Tartarus though (mostly because of the unfriendly bleak environment) but you could perfectly set a dark headcanon trying to come up with the reasons why the Seaquestrian prison wasn´t shown in the final product. > No. Because a different meta context would exist. that´s the same answer that I would say. No way they would look like this if this movie was released in 2013, not to mention that the process behind its production would have gone through a very different perspective and context in general. > Seapony Lyra maybe my fav meme of hers, Though its tough I thought that the meme of Lyra likes humans was the absolute fan favorite for the whole community?