I never manage to be consistent with when I'm around, huh.
> I meant with that phrase that the same fate could happen to this board at any single moment.
Growth can make you eternal (or near that, in terms of the much faster rate of discourse and culture the internet creates (it's a sort of faster rate of time, early BBSes and Usenet used to talk about it)), or you can have small, limited and more appealing communities which inevitably die off.
> especially on the altchans.
some spheres of the altchan world have imageboards popping in and out of existence in mere months.
> harder but not impossible. Also, just because the internet has become more accesible in general and social media have taken the spotlight, that doesn´t meant certain users grow tired of the mainstream sites
I think we've yet to see the full extent of what that will bring. I hope there is light in the internet's future, because there's a lot of potential darkness.
> you mean, being an otaku, right?
that's probably the closest term in it's native connotation - though I think there is no proper term, really. the Chinese "Diaosi" approaches the matter even more closely than "Otaku", I feel, but there remain imperfections.
> Well, you can be the minority yet perfectly apply that mindset to other people who are more casual.
Well, perhaps it is just me then, but though having no issue with casuals I always felt this sort of implicit promise of a hidden group of the most hardcore, that could be discovered with enough searching, upon which I could assimilate to their secret club. There are some which come close, but it was a hard realization for me that such a place didn't really exist, though it may have done in the past. That realization is a little more impactful for me to make since I've spent most of my adult life looking for that Shangri-La of the internet.
> Just that there is a sense of elitism for knowing more than the rest, reaching an identity that others cannot get,as if there is some invisible barrier that others won´t be capable to arrive in the first place.
Thinking in terms of more and more hardcore, levelling up except with how I spend my time, got me into this life just by the ideas videogames ingrained into me as a toddler. Even when offline, my clothes, food, decor, every aspect of my life that can be regarded as "levelling up" in being hardcore governs those decisions.
> it should work for everyone really.
it's nostalgic to hear the process described. I might rewatch the series for the 3rd time...
> It doesn´t even appear here https://www.allchans.org/
allchans! I'd forgotten all about that place. that's the first stop on the neverending ride of searching for the perfect imageboard (which ends up simply being searching for imageboards out of sheer habit). it's extremely incomplete, there are much more comprehensive lists (I don't have the links right now, I have all the lists saved at this point so I'd need some time to find their sources again). basically people moved onto using scripts to crawl the internet and detect imageboards. I'd estimate there's at least 500, if not more, and that may not even be counting the Japanese imageboard scene, which I've only just begun to dip my toes into.