>  I admit that there are times in which a balance should happen. Enough to create your bubble of comfort but not deviating too much into that extreme.
In a way I view my existence as being that bubble itself. All I can do is respect other's lifestyles and opinions on this though, as taking general life advice I fear would make me pop.
> Despite not sharing everything that /mlp/ does, I admit that I haven´t stopped lurking over there.
4chan is one of the few places I still lurk consistently, too. /mlp/ like you, also /jp/.
> too normie for those who don´t have a life and are quite dedicated to the hobby? Even if it drives away a few hardcore people without an interesting life, there are stories out there whose contexts have impacted me quite a bit,some of them transmitted a haunting feeling at times. 
Well, the one who got driven away used to be me. I learned better over time, and now it makes no difference to me at all, and what that showed me was that people with as little a life as me are so few and far between that we all end up at this point of apathy. And it's a better point to be at than one that's hostile. It's weird to talk about, but learning that peaceful coexistance is easier makes life a lot better.