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Having watched the episode and with the review in mind, I am going to take my time with these posts (even though these should be written for the NMAiE or the chat thread but...) >>/6741/ > Growth can make you eternal (or near that, > or you can have small, limited and more appealing communities which inevitably die off. If you ask me, I have never had any clear idea of what this board should be in the first place. Keep in mind that this side project was only meant to reach 300 like almost 3 years ago and then...what else? It´s like constantly living in the afterlife. I did have the ambition to reach the 1000 posts sooner than they did but Bridgefag told me to stop, mostly because a number...simply indicates that. Sometimes the appeal consists in the ride and not what you try to achieve in the end, mostly because despite having technical improvement, it all comes down to a matter of commitment, consistency and what a combination of what one wants and can achieve. > some spheres of the altchan world have imageboards popping in and out of existence in mere months. because those boards are meant to fill a short term purpose or are created as a bunker or a last resort in case that they delete the main ones. Or those board are meant supposed to fill a seasonal niche that after a while, no one cares. > I hope there is light in the internet's future, because there's a lot of potential darkness. well, it mostly relies on what a few people can do but also what the masses decide to do every day. Internet has become so prominent and essential that, everything that happened in the 2000s seems simpler in comparison to what one will build up for the future: either an utopia or a dystopia. > the Chinese "Diaosi" approaches the matter even more closely than "Otaku", I feel, but there remain imperfections. well, at least, it conveys pretty much the matter so anyone can understand it without going too specific nor all that precise. I am unfamiliar with the Chinese term (first time, I have heard that word by the way) so at least, for communication purposes, it works. > I always felt this sort of implicit promise of a hidden group of the most hardcore, that could be discovered with enough searching, upon which I could assimilate to their secret club. There are some which come close, but it was a hard realization for me that such a place didn't really exist, though it may have done in the past. That realization is a little more impactful for me to make since I've spent most of my adult life looking for that Shangri-La of the internet. keep in mind that being hardcore isn´t exactly a competition that one can officially measure on the internet by going into anonymous places and despite having more knowledge, information and more dedicated people in all the fields that one can imagine (both professionally and in terms of entertainment), your desire of looking for that harmonious desirable place that would work for your for an entire lifetime is about as utopian as trying to go to Equestria. Even if you found it, keep in mind that the thermodynamic laws still exists, namely the entropy one that leads to chaos and therefore, change. It´s like the eternity of a diamond, they tell you that said stone will last forever when in reality, it runs with a pseudo balance that after a certain amount of time, it will vanish (especially with the ludicrous speed that the internet offers, everything moves faster) >>/6742/