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>>/6742/ >>/6502/ (you) > 4chan is one of the few places I still lurk consistently, too. /mlp/ like you, also /jp/ yeah, I suppose that everyone comes back home every now and then., makes amends with the place in which everyone who is used to this anonymous dynamic gravitates around. In fact, if I hadn´t been so used to lurking on /mlp/ and seeing so much shitposting, perhaps you would have seen me shitposting way more than this. As for my secondary board /mu/, I have diminished quite a bit my frequency over there so, I would be mentioning tertiary boards at this point (among others: /v/ and /vp/) > In a way I view my existence as being that bubble itself. ...well, you have been drawing a very fine line for your existence... I suppose that said comfort that you have settled on your own has some solid column to back it up because popping it up could lead to...very grim results. > All I can do is respect other's lifestyles and opinions on this though, as taking general life advice I fear would make me pop. which is very respectable actually. In order to reach said peace with yourself, you apply that to your own by leaving others in peace first. If everyone did this, the world would be quite different from the one that we know. However, I will say that one blindly believes that certain existential struggles can be overcome alone. At first, you believe that you can do it but...amidst the process of trying to find solutions and answers, people tend to give up or frustrate themselves. Keep in mind that part, not because of advice, but mostly because I have gone through this experience... earlier in this board > what that showed me was that people with as little a life as me are so few and far between that we all end up at this point of apathy. And it's a better point to be at than one that's hostile. It's weird to talk about, but learning that peaceful coexistance is easier makes life a lot better. you tell me. Reaching that point of apathy, while not desirable and it comes mostly because of setting an auto pilot mode or just simply not caring because of previous events, it´s healthier for reaching that peace. Sure, your mood could reach higher highs that would fill up your existence but...good luck at facing the low periods. You know, I am quoting a certain song from 1995 (an a certain anon knows this one) that stated: "The more you change, the less you feel" and I suppose that after trying to find that jewel and feel driven away because of those ambitions... At least, you keep going nicely because you, at least, get to see what life awaits without having to go through existential episodes all that often. Much easier to handle despite sacrificing the extreme emotions/perspective towards life.