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>>/6750/ > I should probably watch the entire series as well...perhaps I would learn a new thing or two... This has given me a minor idea, actually... Perhaps we could all do a synchronized rewatch, and a thread for it. > Anyway, whenever you find the allchans lists that you consider complete, feel free to share them even though I have rarely used allchans in the first place. Here are a couple which are a bit more complete: There are some I've found that aren't on here too, though those have disappeared since so there's not much point in adding them. A list with historical imageboards as well would be basically impossible to complete. >>/6749/ > well, at least, it conveys pretty much the matter so anyone can understand it without going too specific nor all that precise. I am unfamiliar with the Chinese term (first time, I have heard that word by the way) so at least, for communication purposes, it works. I think a proper definition is as yet unreached just by virtue of being an unexplored area of research - which is not exactly surprising, there were hardly medieval treatises on the lives and times of beggars. There have been some obscure Marxist authors that have defined a new class for it, but other than that we just have different terms in different languages, meaning different things. "nerd" carries academic implications, "geek" now simply indicates engagement with popular culture, and "dork" never had a clear meaning to begin with. "otaku" is definitely a lot closer, especially in the original meaning, but this idea of an otaku being any obsessive interest at all can make beer otaku and fish otaku and so on and so forth, which makes very ordinary people like my grandfather into otaku by virtue of a lifelong obsession with age of sail ships. Diaosi is closest in my opinion since it defines two characteristics that get much closer to the heart of the matter - Diaosi tend to earn a lot less money than others, and they're socially awkward. The money part is more to do with social standing than anything, as I understand it. In any case, the label is actually very unimportant, I just happen to care way too much about definitions. > I suppose that said comfort that you have settled on your own has some solid column to back it up because popping it up could lead to...very grim results. I'd say the main thing propping me up is my waifu. I used to be with Twilight Sparkle, but about 3 years ago I felt like I had hurt her quite gravely, and that sort of spiralled into a lot of soul-searching and then a breakup of sorts. it made me feel too guilty to be around her anymore - a year later I found myself falling in love with a non-MLP character. That's off topic though, so I won't talk too much about my current waifu, I promise. But she's pretty much my support now.