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>>/6783/ > Here are a couple which are a bit more complete: WOW! Over 280 imageboards! Impressive. I suppose that trying to find that ideal imageboard must have been a pain. I don´t know how one could skim through all of them, adapt yourself with their own idiosyncrasy and feel that desired dynamic. How much time have you spent at trying to find the diamond among these? And I thought that allchans was enough already....The internet is usually portrayed as a hydra, except that they might have cut the heads quite a few times because the number is ridiculous. > though those have disappeared since so there's not much point in adding them. A list with historical imageboards as well would be basically impossible to complete. well, at least you have shared them for archival purposes. A few of those links don´t work though. Anyway, thanks a lot. > "nerd" carries academic implications > "geek" now simply indicates engagement with popular culture this is true. > "dork" never had a clear meaning to begin with. except for one exception in fiction that one cannot deny among these circles: Twilight Sparkle, the adorkable. > "otaku" is definitely a lot closer, especially in the original meaning, but this idea of an otaku being any obsessive interest at all can make beer otaku and fish otaku and so on and so forth, which makes very ordinary people like my grandfather into otaku by virtue of a lifelong obsession with age of sail ships. basically, it has been simplified just to tag that someone is a really dedicated person towards X hobby or task. A specialist/seasoned person but with hobbies instead of job related matters (I suppose) > Diaosi tend to earn a lot less money than others, and they're socially awkward. The money part is more to do with social standing than anything, as I understand it. as a social standing just to make a mundane living very few expenses? or are you referring to it more as a matter of external image? I am implying that it´s the former because well paid jobs usually require an endeavor when it comes to social communication.