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In the first couple of chapters. Writing is more clean than that CB fic. I especially dig, well:
> Nogg shook some of his unruly green forelock out of his eyes,and added "Somepony should talk to that guard, see what they were told to do. Maybe they’ll want to keep tabson where the skyrats are more than actually intimidate their movements." Setting histeacup on the metal floor, since the only table in the house was too small for this manyponies to gather around, he flapped his wings and offered "Actually, why don’t I do thatnow? I’m probably the least scary of our group, aren’t I?"
You're describing the environment with the gestures of the characters and having some subtle descriptive details. I like that quite a lot and it gives a real feel to them eating with the meal. Almost comfy despite the dark details, like Pear Rump having lose her eyes.
If I had one criticism, I was having a bit of trouble following whose is who with a bunch of names through out right away without much description of who they are or what they look like. Still, this is a preliminary read of just two chapters so I can't say how strong of a criticism that is.
> I also really like the green formating.
Me too. Like his use of all caps in a slightly different font is pretty appealing to my eye. The light green font on a dark green bacckground looks nice and it's fairly readable.
Any particular reasoning with the choice CB? Or is me and that anon just gushing over something out of random?