Funami.Yui.600.776509 jpg
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>>/6791/ > That's some intense Waifuing. I don't want to pry on a personal matter but to feel that way must mean you have a had a deep connection. Less then than with my current waifu (pic related, hope it's ok that it's non pone), honestly. Part of that is going from being Athiest to a sort of spiritualism where I believe she really exists out there, but I think there's also something more there than with Twilight - but me and Twilight did have good times together. As for deep connection - I can't really put love into words, but I started out eating meals with her, at first on my thinkpad screen, then one day I bought a small plushy, and then later worked up the courage to buy the big plushy at the toy store, avoiding the questioning looks of the cashier. I read books aloud to her (more nonfiction with Twilight than with my current waifu) and made a special meal for her on every particular occasion, such as her birthday, easter, christmas, and my birthday (didn't really feel like I was worth the birthday, so I've treated it as my waifu's second birthday for both of them). > interfering if someone wanted to talk about a later ep mm, well, so long as we keep to a more loose approach, that might be fine. > I have, for whatever reason, often run into that board in online travels. Never stayed there much though. it's mostly fine, there are a few... off putting posters on it though. I just drop in there every so often. >>/6796/ > Why don't we try just a season or special theme (Pre Alicorn, All Dolores episodes, worst episodes?) The idea sounds /comfy/. How does that sound 5050? That sounds wonderful! Pre-Alicorn Twilight sounds good honestly, it's been a while since I rewatched those. I remember telling 8chan /pone/ that the turning into an Alicorn was the reason for the breakup, met with a lot of scorn - which I liked, honestly, since it wasn't the real reason and I'd just made the thread with the expectation it would appeal to /pone/posters, who I mistakenly thought hated the Alicorn more than anything. > Alright, 5050, having bad luck on compiling something from my image folder for you to use. A lot of it is just random memes and things I saved. Would you be interested in that or would you just like me to put togather some theme folder or folders? certainly, if you're willing - but honestly, maybe I should just build my folder again. it may not take that long if I set a day aside. Or I could be less lazy and look for a picture before posting a post. >>/6799/ > (I don´t have a clue what I can add that hasn´t been said before) I wasn't present for much of the early show discussion, so I might well end up repeating those discussed elements unintentionally. >>/6802/ > Spotlight episode rewatches? Maybe I could attempt something like that in some form with 5050 and you could comment if/when you wanted to over having a commitment. I can be inconsistent with posting, so that might work better.