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>>/6837/ > I wasn't present for much of the early show discussion, so I might well end up repeating those discussed elements unintentionally. as if that were a problem really. I mean, look at this board. Do you see this review >>/6452/ >>/6453/ right here? Maybe I mentioned something similar in the season 8 thread yet after watching it in hindsight with a certain period of time, you might not arrive exactly at the exact same words in the way that you would do back in the day. What matters is that your perspective follows a logic in order to deconstruct the episode and analyze it. >>/6839/ > From just Wafuing to deep, almost religious bounds. and when you don´t encounter waifufags, those other fans can even reach further than them. > I mean, I may find it very odd, possibly unhealthy I was going to mention that said extreme has...left me quite shocked, to the point where I question if an obsession could be all that bearable to follow all that often. Besides, reading the backstories coming from each user...I can´t tell what this fanbase is. MLP supposedly should reunite happiness and smiles yet the circles who follow it display exactly the opposite. I sometimes wonder if all the board displayed in other fan sites and on this board are proper of a fanbase dedicated to little girls toy commercial or if we are reading testimonies coming from alcoholics anonymous. > I'll see what L23 says and I'll be thinking if some sort of in between model can be made. hey, that´s me and look at how my post displays Anon for magical reasons! Now, seriously, let me see if I can think about what I need for it and what you exactly propose over here. Personally, speaking, I still have two episodes spotlights left to set up over here before this year ends and fortunately, none of those two are related to the first 3 seasons (there isn´t any problem in terms of overlapping) so you have a free ride when it comes to that early material. > There has been times where I thought all that could be said of one of those episodes has and than I rewatched it and did come up with some new angle this. Absolutely this. And this thread is the prime example of that statement.