> belligerent oldfags are the heart and soul of chans.
are you sure about that though? Perhaps that statement could have worked back in the late 2000s-early 2010s...
but nowadays? Not even /b/ manages to be even a shadow of its former self and /pol/ (to an extent /v/ and /tv/) have become so involved in the political scene that they claim themselves to be the heart and soul for the memes and the edge of anonymity.
The political subversion of chans that has been occurring for the last decade has made that old spirit left a little bit in the underground and not even those oldfags might behave in the same as they did back in their 20s (or they might not even use any imageboard anymore).
I might not have as much experience lurking around there but even /mlp/, which has been one of the most stable and consistent boards (a detail that I have to admire by the way), has suffered those subtle details. To the point where...
> More like new posters are a bunch of frilly fru fru faggots in general.
calling other people faggots might even be an affectionate nickname for some users.
Still, that lost of edge might have been because 4chan got too popular for its own good and the internet has become so accesible that the American weirdos who were watching anime around that period and lurking on /b/ have been left aside (hence the gatekeeping concept of trying to preserve that spirit that has failed for the most part because of the influx of newfags who got that internet connection and weren´t as seasoned/dedicated to that hobby). Also, I should add over here that replacing the term fag with cuck has been attempted as well and not even /pol/ has managed to shoehorn it all that well.
And just because the new posters don´t sound edgy...doesn´t mean that they can´t be edgy.
Watch out with that detail because you can´t tell either if the fierce bear is hidden inside the sheep or in reverse.