rgb-vs-cmyk png
(82.62 KB, 2400x1251)
> Or are these three colors meant to be manually mixed for painters exclusively?
RGB is for photons that you look at, CMYK is for pigments you smudge into materials that then refuse to reflect photons you could look at.
Opposing but complementary systems, if you will.
Also, unrelated, but somehow my browser has incessantly decided to remember, as the last downloaded-to location, H:\Stuff\Hacks\Game-reltd\Fo_NV
So EVERY TIME I want to save an image, or a .pdf, or an installer, I have to scroll around to find the root of my drives and decide, in *this* case, where to this file belong?
Which is sorta how it always is except instead of defaulting to C:\ or my documents, it remembers that over the summer I installed New Vegas and went looking for updated mods.