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Let me count. Let's see  CB anon, 5050, L23, Carrotfag sometimes and me, Bridgefag  plus you = 6. 

> We can definitely run this place with a little effort. Soon all the other boards will give way to a new and glorious /pone/ era! I'd try to revive 8/pone/ but the site software is just such shit now
> I am not leaving though.
I will say this. /endpone/ has a different model than /pone/, so I recommend doing both. /pone/ as your home you're trying to pump life and /endpone/ as a slow faggier place but with a bit more stability at the moment. I do have some OC coming up in fact.

> I always wanted 314chan to have more users
Almost set up a bunker there when endchan was less stable. 

>  but I just found out (from 314chan) that 711 the store took legal action (finally) and now they own the domain. now takes you to This isn't relevant, but it is interesting.
Both funny and annoying. Never heard of that before. Thanks for the lore! P

> You are kind of a pretentious cunt though, lol
 On /endpone/ the vail of anonymity is a very thin one. 
 When may not allow frivolous ponychan style namefaging. 
 But, should you become a regular poster here you too will find that you can't blend in. 