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Besides the focus on Pharynx and the compromises that Thorax has to handle, does this episode have anything else to offer? As I mentioned earlier, while watching this episode, you are going to hear tons of lines meant for comedy.

Seriously, since the very beginning, the episode barely stops at delivering comical lines. Except for the backstory behind Pharynx, his confession at the end and the fight against the Maulwurf, the rest of the episode either releases them like rapid fire or they build it up for a specific joke to land. There are two moments worth mentioning here:

The Feeling´s Forum. This one can be interpreted either in a serious way or in a laughable one. The serious one can be interpreted that the writing staff has decided to illustrate the mechanisms of social media. I don´t think that there is anything in particular to mention here because the pattern is too generic to even point at one. 
Considering that they were starker with Fame and Misfortune, they could have been more specific but if one sees the development of the feeling’s forum, there is something really valuable to take out of that scene: how the personal thoughts eventually become political (unavoidable fate in this day and age). This starts at expressing the personal feelings first and then, at some point, certain political topic arises (in this case, displaying their discomfort towards Pharynx and complaining at Thorax for not handling the problem properly).  The scene might look cheesy but surprisingly enough, I think that they have portrayed social media (or well, the entire internet including this board) in general with that tendency.

The other way to interpret it is with comical one: The writers could have decided to set up this scene in order to make fun of the "New Age"/hippie mentality and how it utterly fails at spreading love constantly because of the patience limit. Considering that the episode has kept that tone of not taking itself too seriously, I wouldn´t be surprised that they wanted to parody this utopian mindset of sharing good vibes all the time.

Another highlight that deserves to be praised is how Dolores delivers a very inspiring discourse to the rest of the changelings with a confident thick voice. How such a discourse meant to be inspiring for the masses had utterly failed (at first) at convincing any of them. The whole discourse and the end result that comes right after that scene is absolutely priceless. 

As for Trixie, she brings a very funny delivery in general. Personally speaking, I would say that one of the most shocking moments coming from her is that she went that far at trying convince Pharynx that she even outright praised the figure of Twilight Sparkle. She really did that. The changelings in general, don´t think that they fall all that short at reacting like ponies either. The contrast in the reactions for hearing the good news (Pharynx is gone) and the bad news (the Maulwurf is coming) deserves to be mentioned as well as the changeling who complained about the soup in the feeling’s forum scene.