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thumbnail of 2721146__safe_artist-colon-silentwulv_derpibooru+import_luster+dawn_pony_unicorn_the+last+problem_female_mare_solo.png
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Sweet mother of Celestia, the amount of things brought up over here is overwhelming (more than the usual rhythm for this board), so I guess that I´ll have to pick.
> I just found out (from 314chan) that 711 the store took legal action (finally) and now they own the domain. now takes you to This isn't relevant, but it is interesting.
cool info
> I always wanted 314chan to have more users, though I recommended it because you made a comment about patience and its the slowest board I know.
what´s worse is that there is no room for pony board unless that the suggestion is approved by the owners. While it could be seen as a potential alternative in case that Endchan falls apart if they at least provided a homeland for MLP material but for now, I am not interested so far (even I have decided to check it because of your previous post).

> High energy and consistent posting. Consistency draws a crowd. If there's always something new when you visit, you're more likely to check back sooner.
eeeerm, I have...several questions and serious doubts that your formula even works for an altchan like Endchan. I am aware of what you are trying to look forward with that strategy but I expect you to grow weary after a couple of months (or even less, considering that you have posted that you would want to hang out in /mlpol/ right here  >>/6882/). For starters, you are implying that being the first in the boardlist necessarily correlated with the fact of drawing more users into this board. There are 3 reasons why your formula cannot work on this site:

1.First of all, Bridgefag and I have spent like 3 years using this website consistently and while the actual oldfag out of the entire board is CB Anon (or at least, the only one from the first wave of 2016 who has decided to be active on this board again as far as I can tell), there has been more usage of this board within the 2nd wave. Either way, while I am not the user who can claim to be the supreme oldfag title for this site, /endpone/...has always been in the first page of the boardlist after reaching the 300 posts (then the 4 digits guaranteed even more that position). Sure, it has attracted a couple of lurkers and/or visitors but you´ve got to keep in mind this:

MLP by itself is already a filter for any imageboard user

That is to say, as much as you want to draw outsiders to take part into the board, it would imply that they are remotely interested in this franchise. You can see /b/ or /pol/ on 4chan (or 8kun) as the top boards but, why would you visit them in the first place if you are not interested in neither politics or trolling? You can get the golden medal and that wouldn´t change at all.