fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[pone] - Endchan Magrathea
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thumbnail of 2721243__safe_artist-colon-muggod_derpibooru+import_twilight+sparkle_twilight+sparkle+28alicorn29_alicorn_pony_eyes+closed_female_forest_grass_mare_multicolored.jpg
2721243__safe_artist-... jpg
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> plz don't, i'm not all bad
about the pretentiousness shown in the past post, what I had said was trre. I don´t have a contract signed which says that I am brony who will stay forever. If anything I happen to be a MLP fan but I have never lived the "brony experience" of the early era nor I am a model for anything so... in terms of not having a contract, that wasn´t pretentiousness but a reality. Even after sticking around for 6 years in the ride, I don´t tag myself as one.

About leaving, while it´s true that I had considered that I had nothing left to offer to the board after sharing a fic this last February. Like everything that I had left to do with the board was already done and fulfilled by that point. So, if I leave, there will be other motifs for doing so  (and I could have already done that) . Besides, I have had more tense conversations this summer related to Derpi´s drama that cannot simply compare with the usual business and dynamic of an imageboard. In 6 years of this entire ride, this year alone has made it more stressful than my whole experience with /mlp/.

About the part related to the anonymity,  >>/6900/ has made it clear and you have been already identified because of the style of posting. The anon part on this board is almost anecdotal because you can tell who is posting over here by simply reading the posts. I had said that you might have already figured it out because my style follows a very predictable pattern and it doesn´t usually follow any surprises for any user with the long posting style.

Also, for complementing the previous posts I have written earlier, here you have an opinion of an Endchan lurker who has more knowledge about the overboard of Endchan than me:  >>/6902/

Especially with this line: 
> The longest lasting boards on endchan have had serious discussions and longer posting over speed. Sometimes a speedy board would appear and then die real quickly. 

> Only one person may have
yeah, dropping this line around... oh boy, that´s deep lore for the standards of this board which happened in summer 2019...