GoodJobWithMove... png
(339.05 KB, 827x1025)
Read the first 15 pages and I must say that I dig it so far. In spite of the primitive art style the artist has a pretty good grasp on movement and action.
One quip is not all the pages have navigation links there though usually someone has been kind enough to link in the comments.
It was supposedly uploaded on Derpibooru in order which means it ought to be for Ponerpics as well.
> Notes
> Later pages will be in color.
> Character deaths will occur.
> This comic is LONG. As of right now, it is just over 200 pages.
> I will be uploading the pages in order. Use the tag 'mlp project' to navigate.
Judging from that and your picture you have there I imagine it could get pretty intense at some points.